Create the Perfect Website with VonClaro’s SEO Web Design Services

Based in Waterloo Ontario with a satellite office in Victoria BC, VonClaro offers SEO web design services that will help your business meet Core Web Vital standards.

Professional and Experienced SEO Web Design Services

Struggling to pass Core Web Vitals? Our team specializes in passing CWV with our proven on-page and technical optimization techniques.

VonClaro’s SEO web design services have been built on the foundation of nearly two decades of SEO and Web Design services; our goal is to help you create the perfect website for your business that performs well for both your clients and search engines.

Our in-house team of experienced professionals have years of experience in developing high performance, aesthetically-pleasing websites. Our services also ensure that each website is SEO-ready upon handover, so you can get the most out of your website.

Professional Aesthetic

We understand the importance of creating a professional look and feel for your website, and our goal is to ensure that your website is designed to impress while performing optimally. We want to help you create a website that looks and functions exactly as you imagined it.

Wooden blocks with letters spelling seo website design

SEO Web Design Ready

We understand the importance of SEO, and our goal is to make sure that each website is SEO ready upon handover. Our experienced team of professionals will ensure that your website meets all of the latest SEO criteria, and will help you ensure that your website is optimized for search engine visibility.

Performance Optimization

Our SEO web design services are focused on creating high performance websites, and we ensure that each website meets Core Web Vitals standards. Our team of professionals will work with you to optimize your website for speed, security and accessibility, so you can be sure that your website is performing at its best.

Reviews & Frequent Questions

Rob Case and his team at VonClaro are a World Class resource when it comes to leveraging today’s highly complex digital landscape.
— Ben Firman – 80/20 Growth Corp

Learn more about our SEO Services

To understand more about why SEO web design matters, read more about how we optimize websites for search engines and you’ll learn more about the SEO expertise and guidance that goes into every new website build we do.

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