What exactly is the Helpful Content Update?

In recent years, content has become a powerful tool for companies and individuals to craft successful brands. With so much emphasis placed on content, staying up to date on the changing landscape of content creation can be a daunting task. Google’s helpful content update was released in 2018 to help webmasters write content in a way that helps their content rank better. This guide provides a solid foundation to understanding and succeeding with content.

Generating helpful content is an essential part of succeeding in the digital age, and our guide to generating helpful content provides an empowering and uplifting approach to understanding and leveraging various techniques to get the most out of content creation.

worker writing helpful google content update

The intent of this guide is to provide the reader with an authoritative and empowering plan of action for content creation and optimization. It will explore and analyze the different facets of content creation, while outlining best practices and strategies, so you can create content that not only performs well, but is also helpful and of value to readers.

First, this guide will discuss the Google helpful Content update in detail. This update was designed to not only ensure that helpful content ranks higher in Google’s algorithms, but also to reward content that is of more substance and of greater value. This guide will discuss how the update works and how you can use it to your advantage.

Second, this guide will discuss how to write helpful content. This section will cover writing styles, common pitfalls to avoid, and tips for creating content that resonates with readers. This guide will provide the framework for creating useful and impactful content that will help you succeed.

Third, this guide will look into the different aspects of Google’s algorithms and how it affects your content. It will provide advice on how you can optimize your content to make sure you are hitting the required standards and criteria for good content.

Finally, this guide will discuss how to recover from a helpful content update. This section will provide advice on how you can fix any issues that may arise, as well as steps to take to ensure you don’t have to resort to recovery.

What is Google’s Helpful Content Update?

The Google Helpful Content Update was announced by Google in 2018 and is designed to give better ranking to content that is helpful and of higher quality than content that is just aimed at helping to rank well. The update seeks to reward high-quality content that not only ranks well but adds value to the reader.

How Do I Write Helpful Content?

Writing helpful content takes practice and understanding. There are a few key techniques you can use to craft helpful content that resonates with readers. First, you have to get clear on your purpose: why are you writing this content? Who will be reading this content? Once these questions are answered, you can move into outlining your content. Start by creating an outline that focuses on a clear topic with relevant information. Then, break the content up into clear sections that flow logically from one to the other. Finally, use visuals and interactive elements to make content more engaging and easy to read.

helpful google content update

When Was the Helpful Content Update Released?

Google released the Helpful Content Update in 2018, and it still applies to the algorithms used to rank content today.

How Do I Recover From a Helpful Content Update?

If you have noticed a decrease in rankings or website views since the update was released, you may need to take steps to recover and bring your content back to its previous pool of performance. To do so, you need to assess your content to make sure it contains useful information for the user and is well-optimized for both users and search engine algorithms. As part of this assessment, check your website’s speed and responsiveness to ensure users have the best user experience when viewing content on your website. Additionally, go over the content you already have and look for areas to improve.

How will optimizing for Core Web Vitals help my business?

There are numerous benefits, which include higher sales over time with the increased performance. This is backed by numerous studies. Gain practical insights into the benefits of fixing low-scoring Core Web Vitals pages, VonClaro offers a complete guide on the benefits of fixing Core Web Vitals. Be sure to check it out.


Creating helpful content is essential for excelling in the digital age. Following Google Helpful Content Update, webmasters have to be more mindful of what they create and how they produce content. The Ultimate Guide to Generating Helpful Content provides a comprehensive and empowering plan of action for content creation and optimization. It outlines best practices, strategies, and techniques to ensure your content is optimized to perform well, valuable to readers, and helpful to your brand.

Article by VonClaro Content TeamVonClaro

Established in the dynamic city of Waterloo, Ontario, in 2016, VonClaro brings together a seasoned ensemble team boasting over 35 years of collective expertise in advanced digital marketing. Our experience spans a diverse range of industries, arming us with valuable insights and hard-earned lessons. This rich background empowers us to drive consistent revenue growth for our clientele. As a boutique growth marketing agency, VonClaro stands out by delivering tangible results. In the ever-shifting digital realm, our deep comprehension of the multifaceted online landscape ensures we not only meet but exceed client expectations. With the guiding principle that in digital marketing, one must evolve or risk obsolescence, VonClaro confidently charts the best course forward for every client.

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